Black Veil Brides Italia
Forum italiano sulla rock band
americana Black Veil Brides, formatasi
nel 2006 in Ohio, e ora con sede a Los Angeles.
Composta da Andy Biersack, Jake Pitts,
Ashley Purdy, Jinxx, Christian "CC" Coma.

Never give up.

Founder: Capricorn,

Online since: December 2012.

"Wretched and Divine"
on iTunes and stores


  • 1 user(s) active in the past 30 minutes

  • Statistics

    • F_STATS
      Black Veil Brides Italia have 357 posts, 124 topics, 37 members, 3,715 total visits, 4 monthly visits
      The newest member is
      Ahsgdfloqifglast user
      Most users ever online was 26users record on 14/2/2013, 19:31

Memory of a Love was skinned by ~ Sy

Skin by -spiker, disponibile su FP e EVSportfolio . Thank's ICONZA.